The Buffalo Bills got rid of their offensive coordinator earlier today. When asked about the decision Rex Ryan told reporters that it was his decision. This change comes less than 24 hours after the Bills dropped their second game in a row to start the season. I would say I am surprised but who really thought that Rex would get rid of his brother (Defensive Coordinator Rob Ryan) even though they allowed an unusually high 37 points in their loss to the Jets Thursday night. Let’s be honest, the Bills got manhandled on both offense and defense Thursday. However, they did manage to put up 31 points against a Jets defense that isn’t really known for being soft. Two of those touchdowns came on 84 yard and 71 yard passing plays. When you consider that these two plays amount to nearly half the total offense for the night you can begin to see why Roman was let go. Couple that with the abysmal seven points they put up against the Ravens in week one in which they needed just 14 points to win the game you can see why it was time. Even though Roman had been hired just after Rex Ryan was hired on as head coach he really needed to make a move as he is now officially under the hot seat in his second year. Time will tell if Rex Ryan gets to keep his job but something tells me that he will be gone the second the Bills miss out on the playoffs. That could be as early as week 8 or it could be the last week of the regular season. Either way don’t expect Ryan to be there next season. Look for the Bills to be 1-7 or 2-6 by the time week eight rolls around unless Tyrod Taylor can figure out how to become Superman.
Greg Roman Fired Because Rex Ryan Wanted It